The Cambria County Department of Emergency Services, utilizing a team approach, shall strive to provide professional emergency management and emergency communications to the citizens and emergency services of Cambria County, and to all who travel through, work in and visit Cambria County, in an effort to provide and maintain effective and efficient operations dedicated to safeguard public safety and health.
The Cambria County Department of Emergency Services is comprised of the Cambria County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) and the Cambria County 9-1-1 Communications Center.
The department’s administrative offices, emergency operations center (EOC) and communications center, are co-located in the Cambria County Human Services Building at 401 Candlelight Drive in Ebensburg Borough. A back-up auxiliary EOC is maintained in the Central Park Complex at 110 Franklin Street in the City of Johnstown.
The Department of Emergency Services is a 24/7/365 emergency operations center serving the sixty-three municipalities of Cambria County.
The department has a current staffing level of forty-two personnel as follows:
- Executive Director (Also serving as the County EMA Coordinator)
- Deputy Director(Also serving as the County 911 Coordinator)
- Operations Supervisor
- Training Supervisor
- Quality Assurance Supervisor
- (2) Public Safety Specialists
- (4) 9-1-1 Shift Supervisors
- (28) 9-1-1 Telecommunicators
- (1) Tower / Operations Maintenance Technician
- (2) Administrative Assistants
The Cambria 9-1-1 Center provides emergency dispatching for:
- (34) Law Enforcement Departments
- (40) Fire Departments
- (23) Emergency Medical Services
And dispatching for the following specialized response teams:
- Cambria County Hazardous Materials Response Team (SHARP)
- Cambria County Specialized Emergency Response Team (SERT)
- Cambria County Animal Response Team (CART)
- Cambria County Water Rescue Team
The Cambria County Emergency Management Agency focuses on the four functions of emergency management (Preparedness, Response, Recovery and Mitigation) in delivering a comprehensive program encompassing major planning and response initiatives for the following:
- (63) Municipalities
- (42) SARA chemical facilities
- (13) School Districts and (16) parochial schools
- (21) Medium-hazard water dams
- Daycares
- Nursing Homes
- County Government Facilities
- Educational/Industrial/Commercial Facilities
- Special Events
Cambria County is a member-county of the Southwest Pennsylvania Regional All-Hazards Task Force (a.k.a. “Region 13) that incorporates regional planning and comprehensive response capabilities for the following entities: The Counties of Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Cambria, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Lawrence, Mercer, Somerset, Washington, Westmoreland and Venango; and the City of Pittsburgh.
Cambria County is also one of twenty-three counties represented by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) Western Area Office.
Cambria County Quarterly Local Emergency Planning Commission (LEPC) quarterly meeting notice:
Due to COVID restrictions, the advertised March 8, 2021 scheduled meeting of the Cambria County Local Emergency Planning Committee will be held by Zoom meeting at the same advertised time of 1:00 p.m. Any questions may be directed to the Cambria County Emergency Management office at 814-472-2050. To join the zoom meeting, participants may do the following:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 839 1506 5437
Passcode: 102609
Dial by your location
- +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
- +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
- +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
- +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
- +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
- +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 839 1506 5437
Passcode: 102609
Find your local number:
- Department of Emergency Services
- Public Safety Tips & Information
- 2015 Annual Department Operations Report
- 2015 Hazardous Commodity Flow
- 2021 09 28 - Fire Advisory Agenda
- 2021 12 14 - Fire Advisory AGENDA
- 2023 03 28 - Fire Advisory AGENDA
- Fuel Assistance and Energy Conservation
- LEPC AGENDA - 2021 09 13
- LEPC AGENDA - 2022 03 07
- LEPC AGENDA - 2022 11 14
- LEPC AGENDA - 2023 03 06
- Notice of HMP Public Meeting

Art Martynuska, Deputy Director / EMA Coordinator/ 9-1-1 Coordinator
June Kania, Executive Assistant
401 Candlelight Drive, Suite 100
Ebensburg, PA 15931
EMA Administrative Phone:: (814) 472-2050
9-1-1 Administrative Phone: (814) 472-2500
Non-Emergency Dispatch: (814) 472-2100
Fax: (814) 472-1439
Twitter: @cambriades
Hours: Monday – Friday 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.
Ready PA
Premise Alerts
Pennsylvania Health and Human Services Info –
Bucks County Fire and Public Safety Training
Centers for Disease Control
American Red Cross
Department of Emergency Services on Facebook
Department of Emergency Services on Twitter
Department of Homeland Security
PennDOT Travel Conditions –
Pennsylvania Emergency Management (PEMA)
Pennsylvania State Police – Prepare, Plan, Stay Informed